Digital signatures with E-LawSign®

Go paperless, save trees, and sign online in seconds on any device.

Sign Confidently™

Easily prepare documents for signature. Share, sign, and stay organized.

Simply add or select your document and drop in signature and date fields.
Choose who will see and sign your document, or share it with an attorney.
Store signed documents for safekeeping and easy access anywhere.

Why E-LawSign?

Sign documents online for free

For a limited time, we’re offering RocketSign to everyone for free! Try it today, and share with colleagues, friends, and family.

Get legal help when you need it

Ask a lawyer for legal advice, make legal documents for hundreds of purposes, or get reduced rates on incorporation as a Premium member.

Speed up the contract process

Make any document legally binding in seconds. Get secure, digital signatures on any device and organize your documents in one place for future access.

Questions? We’re here to help

Your happiness is our priority. Our customer care team is standing by to answer any questions you may have about using E-LawSign.

Power your product with digital signatures

Add value to your customer experience by integrating our fully customizable E-LawSign® API.